Index Coffee Brew Guide
Cold Brew
Making cold brew at home is easy and fun! If you don't have a cold brew maker, you can use a standard French press. This recipe will make approx. 1/2 quart of cold brew concentrate, yielding approx. 1-1/2 quarts of ready-to-drink cold brew.
- Grind 4.0 ounces of coffee very coarse. This should be the coarsest setting on your grinder, about the same as coarse-ground black pepper.
- Place coffee grounds in cold brew filter. (If using a French press, place grounds directly in the carafe.)
- Add 650 ml water to the grounds, making sure all grounds have been wet. Do not stir (yet).
- Let coffee sit for 10 minutes, then *lightly* stir grounds.
- Place the lid on top of the brewer (if using a French press, do not press down).
- Place brewing vessel in the refrigerator for 24 hours, allowing grounds to steep.
- After 24 hours, decant the coffee from the brewer.
- If your brewer doesn't have a filter, pour through a fine mesh filter or paper coffee filter to remove most of the sediment.
- You now have cold brew concentrate, which will keep for two weeks stored in the refrigerator.
- Add one part cold brew concentrate to two parts water to make ready-to-drink cold brew.
- Serve with ice and your choice of milks, sweeteners, etc.